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Teddy Bear Wheelchair

First Year Engineering Design Project

Automated TBWC

Design Scope

  • Creation of an automated Teddy Bear Wheel Chair (TBWC) with a small team of four multidisciplinary student engineers.

  • With specific constraints, requirements, and goals we created the ideal TBWC to perform in the skills competition between our fellow engineering peers near the end of the semester.

  • Goal orientation consisted of the machine to meet competition requirements of performing on two separate tracks; one track consisted of the rolling chassis test and the other track consisted of the functionality of the kicking mechanism.


  • Design procedure incorporated Auto-CAD electrical drawings, SolidWorks parts and assembly drawings, as well as schematics and Arduino programming code.

  • Build procedure incorporated a Meccano Kit, Arduino, and other electrical/hardware components to best fit the ideal machine.

  • Goal of project was to incorporate safety and environment sustainability when creating a prototype and final design of the TBWC.

Final Design

  • Included a Life Cycle Analysis with the components used and their manufactured parts, along with mass determination and tipping analysis to meet the safety requirements.

  • Final product passed all of the safety, tipping, and mass procedures along with being the most aesthetic and environmentally sustained.

  • Final product also completed both tracks of the automated run and the launching mechanism to shoot a ball over an obstacle into a net.

  • Motor Controller CCT. Incorporated onto a breadboard and run with Arduino code.

  • Bill of Materials

Project Overview

  • This first year project taught us how to work under constraints, requirements, and quick deadlines to create the most ideal machine to perform in a competition, along side of meeting the safety and environmentally friendly requirements.

  • With this group oriented project, it created leadership, goal oriented mentality, and time management skills working under a specific time set using engineering skills, strategies, and tactics to meet the long-term and short-term goals.

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